Friday, October 29, 2010

Body Issues

Jack has been in school for the last week and he loves it.  I'll write more on that later when I have the chance.  Will is still waiting to get in, but he is guaranteed to be in by December 17 and maybe earlier.  So a little more home schooling for him, I'm afraid. 

Today's blog is about nothing much but a couple of little things.  I don't know that my mom or others will like this blog much, but for some reason I am writing about these random things...

Right now we go to the grocery store almost every day.   The grocery story here, Coop, was running a promotion and handing out bags of small items.  It was really nice as it included a Swiffer duster, some dish washing tablets and other items.  As soon as we got home, Josi loved rummaging through the bag and dusting all of our items and immediately using all products - she is a consumer marketer's dream!  One of the items was a little sanitary pad (sorry any men reading) and she wanted to know what it was. I started on the long story about it while answering 4 year old questions and realized part way through that I was not making any sense.  So I simply said - "It is a padded sticker!"  And we opened it up, stuck it to her shirt and she walked around for couple of hours with it stuck to her shirt!  Thank heavens we had no place we had to go!

Chocolate and cheese - I could eat only those two things for the rest of my life and be a very happy girl.  They are everywhere in everything and in every form.  I have no idea how these skinny little Swiss people can be eating both of these things all the time, but they must because they are EVERYWHERE!  I had made a previous post about how healthy all the food is here and lacking in hormones and preservatives.  Let me state that I think it is not possible to lose weight if all you ever do is eat chocolate and cheese.

And lastly, we have run out of the U.S. toilet paper that we brought with us from home.  So now it is on to European toilet paper.  Need I blog more?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will send you more tp. (I believe there is still some on the top of your trees!) Tell me where.
